21 Jul 2014

Army all set for 15th anniversary of Kargil war

The Army is preparing to honour the martyrs of the Kargil War of 1999 in a series of ceremonies this year. The primary event to mark the 15th anniversary of the victory is to be held at the War Memorial in Drass on July 25 and 26.

It will be attended by dignitaries of the Army and the civil administration as well as gallantry award winners of the conflict and families of the martyrs, an Army spokesperson said here on Saturday.

The war was fought in the summer of 1999 to evict Pakistani regular forces which had intruded and occupied winter vacated posts on the Indian side of the Line of Control, violating an unwritten agreement. The operation cost the Army hundreds of young lives, in whose memory the commemorative function is held every year

On July 25, the Army Bands will present a display, followed by a memorial service. On July 26, top officers of the Army, martyrs’ families, war heroes, political representatives and the civil administration will participate in the wreath-laying ceremony at the Kargil War Memorial located at the base of the Tololing feature, the scene of one of the fiercest battles of the operation.

via The Hindu

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